Do’s and Dont's for Moving into Your First Apartment!

A first apartment is like a first relationship - a pretty big personal step that's exciting, exhilarating and pretty terrifying. If you've already hunted for apartments, found your new place and scheduled a date for the move in with your landlord, you probably have an inkling of how it feels to have your own apartment.

But don't get ahead of yourself, because the moving process can be pretty exhausting, especially if you don't plan ahead. That said , here are some foolproof DO'S and DONT'S to help you keep calm.

DO read the rules
Does your new place have an elevator deposit or moving fees? Are you expected to move within a two-hour time frame? Should you use the freight elevator? Read your lease or talk to your landlord before the move so that you know exactly where to go and who to talk to when you arrive on moving day with a truck full of furniture.

DON'T put off packing
Packing isn't fun- almost everybody agrees. But one of the key ways to stay organized while preparing for your first big move is to pack early. If you start a few weeks before moving day, you'll be able to pack almost all of the nonessentials and then you can shift your focus to the more essential stuff during the days leading up to the move.

DO coordinate deliveries
Since this is your first apartment, its not likely you have all of the big-ticket items you need already. So, you may have to order things like a couch, bed, mattress set, TV and more, and have them all delivered once you're moved in. Some apartment buildings are strict about big deliveries, so aim to have everything brought over during the time you're moving in - that way, the delivery people can just bring the furniture straight up.

DON'T be afraid to ask for help
Moving is not an easy task, and its certainly not something you should expect to handle by yourself. Enlist your friends and family members throughout the process to make everything a bit easier and a great deal more fun.

DO have fun with it
Sure, moving can be stressful- especially to your first apartment- but try not to let the stress overtake the excitement. This is your first apartment and that's no small thing. So, have fun!