Customer Service Program Scheduled to Begin this Summer!


          Here at E & H we understand the importance of providing quality customer service. Over the years we have not only accrued new properties, but also wonderful tenants. It is our duty to ensure that we are thorough, fair, and helpful to the public. The social media age has allowed businesses to prosper significantly. In one click, a happy customer can tweet, share, or capture an experience. That is powerful!

         On the flip side not being able to please 100% of your customers can cause serious infractions. Unhappy tenants from not just our property management company, but property management companies across the states can now use platforms to announce their frustrations. Often these problems are resolved and still, URLS begin building a reputation that we can not manage.

        For this reason, we have decided to personally create a customer service related position.  The position understands our company's policies and yet still advocates for our customers. We are working on creating the ideal platform and will be sending out more details later.

