Stay Healthy!

Stay Healthy!
[caption id="attachment_858" align="aligncenter" width="182" caption="Drinking plenty of water and exercising can help fight off the common cold!"][/caption] There are a handful of us here at the Ernst & Haas headquarters sneezing and coughing our way through the day. We have been hit with a cold that seems to be lingering in our office, bouncing from one germ-invested keyboard to another. We've learned our lesson and are well aware of the steps we need to take the next time we're feeling a bit off. So if you're feeling a bit under the weather, or are wanting to avoid catching a cold, follow these few simple steps (you'll thank yourself later): 1. Hydrate: Drink a LOT of water - dehydration weakens the body's ability to fight infection. 2. Load up on Vitamin C: A daily multivitamin isn't enough - complement your vitamins with orange juice, and Vitamin C supplements such as Emergen-C and Vitamin C drops. 3. Rest: Sleeping, whether it be 8 hours overnight or a quick cat nap, will help keep you strong - physically and mentally. 4. Be Healthy: Eating right and exercising is key to being healthy - period. Fruit, vegetables, and protein energy and antioxidants throughout the day. Exercise keeps the body active and the immune system working. But be careful working out while you're sick - sometimes it can cause more harm than good when you're already weary. 5. Load Up: Tea and cold medicine quickly become your best friends when you're not feeling well. Chamomile tea is a mild sedative and helps stomach ailments, while cold medicine can help fight off the early symptoms of a cold. We wouldn't wish our sickness upon anyone, but in the event you begin to feel woozy, replace that coffee mug with a bottled water and your lunchtime burger with a salad and your bound to beat off the germs!